What is Geography?
What is the Earth?
What is the shape of the Earth?
Of what is the Earth composed?
What is a Continent?
How many Continents are there?
On which Continent do we live?
What is an Ocean?
How many Oceans are there?
Which is the largest Ocean?
What is an Island?
What is a Mountain?
What is a Hill?
What is a Volcano?
What is a Desert?
By what are Deserts formed?
What is a River?
By what are Rivers formed?
Who governs an Empire?
Who governs a Kingdom?
Who governs a Republic?
Which is the largest Empire in the world?
Which is the largest Kingdom in the world?
Which is the largest Republic in the world?
In what Division of the Earth do we live?
When you look at the rising Sun, what Ocean is before you?
Where does the Sun rise?
Where, then, is the Atlantic Ocean?
When you look at the setting Sun, what Ocean is before you?
Where does the Sun set?
What Ocean east of Asia?
What Ocean south of Asia?
What Ocean west of Africa?
What Sea south of Europe?
Which is the largest Island in the World?
How many Countries are there?
How are they divided?
What Country furthest north?
What Country furthest south?
In what Country do we live?
Where is Cape Farewell?
Excerpt from Lessons In Geography,
by James Monteith 1856
フィールド・レコーディング (2022年Haus der Kunst の「ダムタイプ展」で展示された、坂本龍一ディレクションによるインスタレーション《Playback》のために録音された音源):
YAN Jun|北京
Crosby BOLANI|ケープタウン
Apichatpong WEERASETHAKUL|チェンマイ
Kali MALONE & Stephen O’MALLEY|ラ・トゥール=ド=ペ
Mukul PATEL|ロンドン
John WARWICKER|メルボルン
Martin HERNANDEZ|メキシコシティ
Giuseppe LA SPADA|エトナ火山
Damian LENTINI|ミュンヘン
Alec FELLMAN|ニューヨーク
Andri Snær MAGNASON & Kaśka PALUCH|レイキャビク
Jaques MORELENBAUM|リオデジャネイロ
Atom Heart|サンティアゴ
CHENG Chou|台北市
Nima MASSALI|テヘラン